Diapers & Paper Loads by the Box, Pallet or Truck load

Major department stores Diapers and Paper loads
Closeouts Our Huge selection of baby diapers from many different
sizes including small, medium, and large. Our great mix of generic brands
diapers. Call for availability and pricing.

Major department stores Diapers
We have Overstock diapers and baby items from Major Department stores in our inventory. Brand name First Quality mix sold as low as $1,500 per pallet with up to 60 cases per pallet. FOB FL
We have Overstock diapers and baby items from Major Department stores in our inventory. Brand name First Quality mix sold as low as $1,500 per pallet with up to 60 cases per pallet. FOB FL

Major department stores Diapers and Paper loads
Closeouts We carry Brand name baby items such as Johnson and
Johnson, Huggies, Pampers, and more. Choose from an assorted mix of pallets.
Prices starting as low as $600 per pallet. FOB NY

Toilet Paper loads Closeouts
Save up to 75% when you buy our mixed variety pallets of paper loads from Major Department stores with tissues, toilet paper, etc. Minimum purchase may apply
Save up to 75% when you buy our mixed variety pallets of paper loads from Major Department stores with tissues, toilet paper, etc. Minimum purchase may apply

Consumer Paper loads
Excellent Name Brand mix assortment of paper products. Returns and Overstock merchandise may include such Brands as Bounty, Charmin and more. Call for special prices! FOB CA
Excellent Name Brand mix assortment of paper products. Returns and Overstock merchandise may include such Brands as Bounty, Charmin and more. Call for special prices! FOB CA